We support the mental health of Jewish girls via programs designed to improve self-compassion and body acceptance, significantly reducing eating disorder onset.

Eating disorders kill.
Prevention works.

Why is this important?

Between the ages of 6 & 12, almost 50% of children demonstrated dissatisfaction with some aspect of their body.

By adolescence, body dissatisfaction in girls increases to 80% with 70% openly admitting they do not like or feel comfortable in their bodies.

1 out of 8 girls will meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder by age 18.

Self-image, self-esteem, and self-compassion

A healthy self-image boosts physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Research shows prevention programs are effective in supporting self-esteem and body image as well as reducing risk factors for eating disorders.

Atzmi was created specifically to reduce eating disorder onset by supporting self-esteem, self-compassion, and body acceptance for our girls.